Use with existing datasets

Disaggregating military interventions

MONSTr is designed to augment existing military intervention datasets by disaggregating US military interventions into their component military operations. Doing so produces new fine-grained variables that can be combined with the existing datasets to answer important questions.

Source: Joint Publication 1, Doctrine of the Armed Forces of the United States (Washington, DC: The Joint Staff, March 25, 2013, Incorporating Change 1, July 12, 2017), I-7.

MONSTr is fully interoperable with the following existing datasets:

  1. International Military Interventions (IMI) (Pearson and Baumann 1993; Kisangani and Pickering 2008; Pickering and Kisangani 2009)

  2. Military Interventions by Powerful States (MIPS) (Sullivan and Koch 2009)

  3. Military Interventions Project (MIP) (Kushi and Toft 2022)

  4. RAND Report on Characteristics of Successful U.S. Military Interventions (Kavanagh et al. 2019)

  5. International Crisis Behavior (ICB) (Brecher and Wilkenfeld 1997)

  6. Militarized Interstate Disputes (MID) (Palmer et al. 2015)

We identify the nested relationships among US operations. Which operations are a part of which broader operations? Under what wars do each of these operations fall? We match these data to existing interventions datasets that contain information about the broader interventions in which these operations occurred.

Click on the nodes below to see the events that are a “part of” each node:


Brecher, Michael, and Jonathan Wilkenfeld. 1997. A Study of Crisis. University of Michigan Press.
Kavanagh, Jennifer, Bryan Frederick, Alexandra Stark, Nathan Chandler, Meagan Smith, Matthew Povlock, Lynn Davis, and Edward Geist. 2019. “Characteristics of Successful U.S. Military Interventions.” Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation.
Kisangani, Emizet F., and Jeffrey Pickering. 2008. “International Military Intervention, 1989-2005: Version 1.” ICPSR - Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research.
Kushi, Sidita, and Monica Duffy Toft. 2022. “Introducing the Military Intervention Project: A New Dataset on US Military Interventions, 1776.” Journal of Conflict Resolution, August.
Palmer, Glenn, Vito D’Orazio, Michael Kenwick, and Matthew Lane. 2015. “The MID4 Dataset, 2002: Procedures, Coding Rules and Description.” Conflict Management and Peace Science 32 (2): 222–42.
Pearson, Frederic S., and Robert A. Baumann. 1993. “International Military Intervention, 1946-1988: Version 1.” ICPSR - Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research.
Pickering, Jeffrey, and Emizet F. Kisangani. 2009. “The International Military Intervention Dataset: An Updated Resource for Conflict Scholars.” Journal of Peace Research 46 (4): 589–99.
Sullivan, Patricia L., and Michael T. Koch. 2009. “Military Intervention by Powerful States, 1945.” Journal of Peace Research 46 (5): 707–18.